Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Satyam - Going down or coming Up
First Blow - Satyam decided to invest in real state companies to diversify and to de-risk company asset. Unfortunately these real state companies, Maytas Infrastructure and Maytas Properties, were owned by family member of its main promoter Raju and were not doing very good in market.
Second Blow - World bank posed a 8 year ban on Satyam. Ban was meted out for "improper benefits to bank staff" and "lack of documentation on invoices".
Satyam share plunged down to 50% after these. 4 of its director resigned, few taking moral responsibility of supporting its decision and its board of director strength reduced to 6. It actually worked positively for Satyam as few of wrong doers were going away. Even chances of somebody buying Satyam rose and so the share price of company.
Satyam has engaged DSP Merrill for analysing company's strategic move at this time and have promised stakeholders that all concerns for last two week incidents will be addressed in maltiple ways.
Even it announced that share of few of directors will come in market as those share have been financed by various lenders and so lender will sell those shares to cover margin. It will reduce stake of directors in company and a new identity could take over management if bought a good proportion from market. Thinking that new identity will be more desciplined then current directors, it has given company a better future possibility.
Satyam was surely a grwoing company and was having a strong place in IT service provider companies. If management really cares about company and proper corporate governance are put in place, it is no doubt that it will not only recover its position but also reach new levels. What do you think?
US-China friction on Recession Policies
Obama have made a $850 billion plan to bail out US economy from this recession. From where this money will come? China is largest buyer of Treasury Securities, so surely US need to work with China for pulling this money out of US Treasury. Basically as China hold major US dollar, US will take loan from China for arranging this money.
And, Money doesn't come free, boviously it's money. China will like to have some advantage in terms of increasing its export to US and tax relaxation. But that would be just against US bailout plan. This move will actually go against stablizing it's doemstic market and current bailout plan might fire back if this is the case.
Making the situation worse, what could happen if China dumps its major Treasuries in US to arrange money for its own use? It is difficult for US to give a good return and so it makes sense to invest elsewhere where China could see a better advantage..may be a gonid down Us company??
US can't let it happen and would plan something to stop China from doing all this which won't make China happy. All this could create tension between two World Leader country and who knows, what it has in store for result... Keep watching..
Note: Let me know what you think on this topic. Please leave comment to discuss on this.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Leaders of Tomorrow - No job cut
Everyone is trying to survive in this recession time, but leaders will be those who survive with pride and honour. They would be first in race of progress when it is over.
Share your views on what do your think about these moves by companies. What would you suggest if you don't like it.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
US slowdown & India IT - Loss or Opportunity?
1. Customer for our IT industry are mainly from US. If business closes for them, then IT industry will loose money and jobs. It makes a good part of money coming to India.
2. Many of foreign investors were feeding money in Indian industry seeing it as a good growing market. With them being in problem, money would stop coming to India and there won't be funds to continue growth plans for these industries. Few might close down as they has not reached a sustenance level yet.
3. Many more....
Is US a big market for Indian goods? Are most of Indian company partner with US companies? I think we are still very much independent to keep things going on our own and we should not worry so much about it.
For IT industry which seems to be worst hit due to US situation, what are the impacts one would expect this will have -
1. Market for IT will reduce in US and in some cases may even shut down. In India people working on those projects might go on bench or get fired.
2. When laying off, outsiders (contractors in US) will be let go first. Being already low employment situation people will come back to India. Unemployment rate in India will grow.
3. Hikes would reduce or not happen at all. Spending from IT group will reduce including company and employees of these company.
So it will result in a situation where a large share of our population will not be able to put same money in Indian market which it was putting. In some cases, it might create a bad situation like bad credit where people have lost job and not able to meet their commitments. It will indirectly impact other areas of Indian industry like Banks, real estate and retail. These are all under one assumption that IT industry of India will not grow and actually shrink from its current status.
Now let us look at positive side of same situation. Do we really think that all US industry will close down and will not try to overcome the problems. Society has grown and it need these industries to go on. Can we do away with banks in today's time? Can we accept a situation when there won't be any television, mobile or Internet? I am sure answer would be a big NO.
Also if these need to go on, can today an Industry make a good profit without involving anything from IT and keeping everything manual? Again a NO.
Automation is an important key to make profit in any industry which is possible only by IT. And who will supply a cheap and cheaper IT solution?
It may happen that if IT will just wait and watch, things would actually turn to their profit and they would get more work than they have currently in future when US will overcome its financial slowdown? Yes, there is a risk that nobody knows when things will improve and will they really improve at all? While later question is having a very low probability, IT need to prepare itself for surviving in situations like this. One cannot go on like earning its daily bread on a daily basis. Surely those companies are in problem which are not having a future plan and no alternatives. Only the better will survive and that is the law of nature. Even in a totally unnatural concept like business these nature rules apply. Survival of fittest and elimination of weakest is mantra for improving and maturing a life.
So when this phase will be over, we would have learnt to do much better in same situation which we are capable of current time. We need to make ourself better to compete in diverse situations and provide more profitable solutions. Solutions which are directly addressing end user need and converting real business into profit. We need to keep patience for the time when demand will come again and we need to be in a position where we could present us as a valid candidate to meet that opportunity.
Friday, August 8, 2008
South Africa Economy - Its hot

I did some reading which I have mentioned as reference at last of this post on this topic. Based on these I can word my own thinking of where this country might go and achieve in future. These all are just possibilities but thats what one need to start a venture :).
South africa as a country is rich in resources. Its geographical situation brings a good atmosphere, not too hot, not too cold.. a lot of sea shore which can help in trading, a big land area for ground development, not much large population to keep consumption low, mines of precious metals gold/platinum and other minerals to feed its economy with lot of money and raw material required for development, what not. Then why there is problem? May be it is not managed properly or it is just a phase in development of a nation.
Opportunity is aleready knocking in SA when it is giong to conduct 2010 FIFA world cup. It will have a huge chance to utilize its production which can be done totally using internal resources and manpower. It will boost industries, create employment, provide world wide exposure, open market for cheap import, open market for SA good in other countries and a lot.
SA seems to be good equiped to do all this if a good effort is put in all this as some of basic things need to be completed before it can encash this opportunity to its best. Infrastructure, literacy, skilled people are few points which need to be addressed before it happens. Time is less but it need to be done.
Industries are already seeing this and are ready to help SA in achieving this target. Even US and China are hungry for its natural resources and showing continuous interest in SA so that they are on boat when it sails in deep sea. SA need to keep a good eye on what exposure it gives and what it keeps to itself so that a nation grows and not the other countries by using its resources.Ref:
Few links which I read on above topics-
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Latest in Indian IT, what next?
Inflation is everywhere, not only in India but in whole world. US is on verge of recession or some say that it has already started from last year end. Many other countries are also in similar financial condition. Anyway who cares about rest of world when problem is around us, so what actually going to happen to India?Will living cost keep on increasing and now a days high earning software people will actually look like same middle class of yesterday? Most of them have taken loans to fulfill their dreams - house loan, car loan, personal loan, education loan, credit cards, salary advance... long list? ha..So what would happen if recession is actually hit India as well.
Economic cycle says that a bad country recession occurs every 8-10 years. When is the last time it had happen in india.. 2001 or 2000.. that was a bad time.. and that too for IT industry. India is too much looking for these IT companies to bring money inside country. But has anyone thought that actually these companies are standing on a very ..very very risky concept of an industry?
How does an Industry work? It has resources and it has market. It utilizes resources and sell in market and whoa.. money is produced.. Lets see an IT company for it. It has resources.. (ya we have a big population). a lot of it. where is the market then.. In India? 'No'. In Asia? 'No' ..
It is Mostly US (which is already in recession) or Europe (which is also not in very good shape). So if both market are not at all in our control and in bad shape, why there will be a chance to India. Because India offer cheap solutions and that would help them reduce cost.. good point. but is recession cured by reducing cost?No.
Recession is reduced by controlling money flow within country and providing chance to internal industry to keep growing. Stopping outside hands to take away money from country. So what is going to happen? Will India stop getting more work from US/Europe till they recover? What will happen to Indian IT? Will they be able to survive till then? Where this man power will go if they are not needed for all this time?These are few questions which can bring slepless night to any of our IT guy.. so What next?
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Future for Petrol Prices
- moved from blog 'Life Movie Fun'
I am late in doing research about my own posted questions, but the topic was so wast that it took time to find proper stuff on even one point. Here it is for Petrol -
Price for petrol is mainly a result of typical 'Supply and Demand' rule. Many factors are contributing in this demand which are -
1. World population is increasing faster than rise in oil production.
2. More countries are growing fast (mostly developing countries) and so for growth more energy requirement are increasing oil consumption.
3. Almost 1/4th of oil consumption is subsidised in world. Due to this even though price has increased, demand is not reducing.
4. Transportation is increasing day by day and it mainly is running on oil. It is very difficuly to cut down on this sector as it is main need of developing nations.
While above factors are increasing demand, there is another concept of future buying. In this countries/industry quote a future price of crude to reserve an amount of oil for them. This also gives a higher end indication of how much demand has increased and so hikes the price.
Supply is mainly from oil well in Saudi coutnries where reserves are being used more and more while new resources are not being found to provide enough oil to meet demand. It is also getting difficult to extract oil from current resources and that increases the cost of production. Result - an increase in price so that where it is not feasible to continue running the work with increased price, work will be stopped and so consumption will reduce. Pressure is more on developing nations to cut down subsidy (like India and China has agreed to increase price due to hike in crude price) so that consumption will reduce. These measure will help bring a stability in price and an equilibrium will be reached where market will continue its progress.
Major support in this will come from alternate resources, like in Canada - Tar Sand. These are big amount of oil reserves and very big in Canada. Till now it was not profitable to extract oil from these due to lower prices. As price has increased which makes if feasible to extract oild from these places, there would be additional production at price where stability would reach for oil production. On that price, for some more time, it would be better for market to utilize these extra inlet of oil in industry and grow at higher rate.
So, Price is surely going to increase in future for petrol, but what we can expect is that there would be better supply of oil at this price and one can think of utilizing it better way and balance the advantage such as to neutralize the loss due to increase in price. Way to go :)
Friday, August 1, 2008
Some Provoking thoughts on Economics :)
Today is 1st August 2008. Just yesterday I attended a good session about economics of world. Though topic was not that but speaker drifted to that side and he shared quite a few thoughts on how the market is going and how it is going to hit India particularly. Interesting provoking thoughts.. :)
I am thinking of doing some research on those myself and then update this page later. Just so that I keep the interest, points were -
1. How petrol price are going up and down. what is the benifit and to whom.
2. How US is playing other world markets to keep its economy going. It lends money to other groups/currency and later gets it back when that currency is strong against US dollar, result, more US dollar and that also with interest. Wow thats double benifit.
3. Why SA is currently hot for all industries and why it is next center for economic revolution. A lot of natural resources are present in SA which industry need to utilize and current inside industry is not able to consume it, so money is going to pull in from various places in SA. Time to catch the boat when it is still onshore.
4. Recession is going to hit India hard and may be some other coutries as well. Recession cycle is 3 year long and it comes every 7 years in a contry. LAst time it was in 2001 for India and now 2008. But this one is going to be worse than before and for next 3 year it might be even problem to survive in a good manner with same growth.
Let me try what all I can find out on above points. Keep thinking and leave me comments if you have anything to share on above points :)
Monday, July 21, 2008
Started in share market
For a long time I was thinking of entering in share market. Never got a chance to do so while I was in india.. reason - most of employer have blocked trading sites in their workplace so that to increase productivity. In other countries it is not so - may be becuase people are not so much into it? Naaaa.. I think may be because they believe in their employees more than indian companies do. Anyway this is a never ending debate...
My experience to share market is good till now.. When I opened my demat account, share market was booming like anything and I was dying to enter into it. Something inside me told me to hold and not enter into it that time.. good decision I would say as otherwise I would have fell flat on mouth.. :(. I invested in few mutual fund at decreasing slope of market and it still went down taking my money into it.. I am hopeful that mutual funds are supposed to be investment for long term so over the time it will bring me returns..
Share market though has started going up a bit and I managed to enter just before it was touching its long time bottom mark. Result, it has started showing returns. Though I didn't put much of money, it was a good experience. I felt like I learnt a lesson of patience here. I would say few points which I felt are really needed if someone don't want to get hurt in here -
1. Keep an eye and ear on market news. Take a bit of risk as economic cycle is never on a single trend. If it is going up, it will come down. You should be watchful to enter in it while it is down.
2. Take a decision when it is good enough down for your risk appetite. It may go down even further which might make you panic. If you try to exit at that time, you would be actually loosing only. Keep faith in company where you have invested. If it is good, it will come up.
3. Don't try to play lucky. Invest in good companies where you are confident of returns. when you have learnt a lot, may be try something adventurus.
I think this 3 point lesson is enough for starting. If you try to learn all before entering, you might be sitting like me never entering it. so make a start :).
Good bye